Nutritional Counseling at Riverhead Chiropractic Wellness
With the recommendations of certain vitamins or minerals, we can help you get healthier and get better, faster results from your chiropractic care with us.
There’s No Charge
We don’t look at our nutritional counseling as a separate service from our chiropractic care. You need to have proper nutrition for your body to heal and function optimally. You’ll receive a consultation and coaching for nutrition at absolutely no extra charge.
The products we carry are of the highest quality. We don’t recommend anything that we wouldn’t use ourselves-and we do! We’ve researched the products, know exactly where they come from and most importantly, we know that they work.

Weight Loss Assistance
One of the biggest health problems in American today is obesity. It is occurring in epidemic proportions. If you are one of the many people who want to lose weight, we can assist you with our complete weight loss and nutrition programs. In fact, our own Dr. B lost 50 pounds 15 years ago and has kept it off ever since! So we know firsthand what it takes not just to lose weight, but to do so in a sustainable way for long-lasting results.
There are particular recommendations we’ll make to you depending on your unique situation, age, and lifestyle. For example, a senior patient might get nutritional recommendations specifically for healthy aging. An active person could be more interested in sports nutrition. Regardless of your lifestyle, know that we have the nutrition recommendations to optimize your health.
If your body has been injured, it requires certain nutrients to heal. If you don’t get them, it will slow down your healing process. By making sure you get what you need, you can experience quicker results.
Dr. B has been in practice for almost 40 years. His goal is to help provide information that will complement a wellness lifestyle. 15 years ago he was fortunate enough to have a friend and fellow chiropractor, introduce him to a nutritional rebalancing program at a chiropractic seminar. At that time, he was 50 pounds heavier than he is now and after losing some of that weight on his own through sweat and starvation he hit a wall and couldn’t lose any more weight.
After a lot of research of products and programs he decided it was time for him to try them out on his own. In 11 days he was 16 pounds lighter. After 25 days he was 24 pounds lighter, which he realized was toxic fat. More importantly, he looked and felt great! His energy level was higher than it had been for years and he started working out better than he had in a long time. His friends, family and patients all noticed the difference and wanted to know how they could experience it for themselves.
Since then, Dr. B has continued to share his story with others. He provides information on the nutrition products and programs to help anyone wanting to reach health goals. His first-hand experience has allowed him to help others and he continues to practice what he preaches.
Your Nutrition Resource
We want to make sure you have all the information you need to regain your health. Contact Riverhead Chiropractic Wellness now to talk about nutritional counseling! Our Riverhead practice is open six days a week for your convenience.